Cancer Immunotherapy Evidence – a Living Library​

The Cancer Immunotherapy Evidence Living (CIEL) Library is a project led by the Pragmatic Evidence Lab aiming to establish a continuously updated database on interventional immunotherapy trials for all cancer diseases. The project received a one-year initial funding for 2023 from the Basler Cancer League.  

N.B.: The current verion of the CIEL-Library is only a proof of concept

CIEL may be useful to you if you’re a… 

Clinicianand want to make a therapeutic decision. You’re a healthcare professional or oncologist and are interested in finding evidence about an immunotherapeutic treatment to make a therapeutic decision – Use our Match my Patient tool to find the most relevant evidence for your patient. 

Healthcare professionaland want to enroll your patient in a clinical trial. You’re a healthcare professional and you wonder whether there are any clinical trials nearby that your patient can join – Use our Match my Patient tool to find the most relevant trial for your patient. 

Patient or peer – You’re interested in finding evidence about potential new treatments, or you are interested in finding trials to participate in – Use our Match my Patient tool to find the most relevant trial for you or your peer. 

Researcher – You want to identify available evidence for a specific type for immunotherapy or for a specific type of cancer disease – Explore our Library using the CIEL database. 

Health Technology Agency – You want to identify clinical trials for your HTA report on immunotherapies – Explore our Library using the CIEL database. 

Published papers related to the CIEL-Library will be announced here on the website. So far, we refer interested users to the Open Science Framework, where we describe some of our methods.